Opening hours shops
Business hours and opening hours of shops in Spain and on Mallorca are different from for example in most northern European countries. Read on and find out more about business hours in Spain.
Opening hours shops on Mallorca
In general, most shops are closed during the afternoon, however bigger stores like the bigger supermarkets can be open during the day and most shops are open on the weekends and even Sunday morning until 12:00 PM. It’s advisable to check the opening hours of shops you wish to go to before you go. Or visit them either in the morning in between 9:30-12:00 or in the afternoon in between 17:00-20:00. Only do know that these opening hours vary per shop.
Spain also has various festivities and celebrations, and on these festive days most shops will most certainly also be closed. Where can you best check the opening hours? On the door of the shop itself, since websites aren’t always up-to-date. And phoning them in advance can be an idea too, as answering emails often seems to take quite some time in Spain, if they are answered at all. This is not to be negative, it’s just what we have noticed ourselves on what works and what doesn’t.
