Forest walks Mallorca to discover the wild taste of the island
Many of you probably already know that aprox. 80% of all the weeds growing sponaneously in gardens and homesteads on Mallorca are wild "superveggies". They are the ancestors of our modern, cultivated vegetables and they are not only delicious, but also packed with nutrients and of high medicinal value, too. Up to 160 types of wild plants are consumed traditionally around the mediterranean and are to be considered an important part of the mediterranean diet, nowerdays often called the "blue zone kitchen".
For anyone interested in making use of these so valuable and sustainable foods Uta is offering forage walks over the island's fields and bespoke visits to private fincas and gardens to introduce you to all the treasures that grow all around us, mostly without us even being aware of their enormous nutricional value.
For more info click [here]